Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Matt. 7:7) Prayer has been an important part of worship from the beginning of the world. We pray for many things. We each pray for strength. We pray to confess our sins and ask forgiveness. We pray for guidance and help. We pray for our families and friends and our neighbors. We pray for protection from our enemies. We pray to express love and to give thanks. Whatever you pray for, there is power in prayer.
Exclusively designed by Armor Coin, we offer a unique variety of prayer emblems to encourage thoughtful pondering and to inspire faith and trust in God. Our high relief designs incorporate two soldiers (male and female) clothed in armor and kneeling in prayer surrounded by the text ‘Prayer is the key to Heaven’, ‘Pray Always’, and the declaration ‘Faith to kneel builds courage to stand’. Side two shows the two soldiers walking forward with the conviction to ‘Pray Always, Work Hard, and Trust God’.
No matter whether you keep them for yourself or you are giving them as gifts to others, whichever Armor Coin Prayer pieces you choose will symbolize your strength and willingness to move forward with prayer in your heart.